Recently Taught Dances Listed below is a list of dances that we teach in our classes, so check out each class for the dances you can do Monday Night In WhaplodeBlue Night Cha Brazil Just for Grins My New Life Please Yourself Ribbon of Highway The Bomp Triple Mix Until the Dawn Tues am in WhaplodeBlue Night Cha Tennessee Waltz Surprise Triple Mix Twinkle Waltz Until the Dawn Tue eve in MoultonIslands In The Stream Quando when Quando The Bomp Until the Dawn Wed Eve In SurfleetAint Got A Clue Leaving of Liverpool Quando when Quando The Bomp The Real Deal These Days Thur 1st class DoningtonBlue Night Cha Please Yourself Ticket To The Blues Twinkle Waltz Until the Dawn Thurs 2nd class DoningtonIslands In The Stream Leaving of Liverpool Quando when Quando Tennessee Waltz Surprise The Bomp Monday Evening ClassThe Queen So Just Dance Dance Dance A Little Human Missing Bella Roma T-Bone Shuffle Emergency